Grannies Who Care
We help assist mothers with new born babies by donating, beanies & booties and baby clothing.
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More about Grannies Who Care
The vision of this ministry is to generate the love of Jesus by meeting the immediate needs of the mother and her newborn baby. Grannies Who Care is a registered Non-Profit organisation that was founded in June 2012, by a handful of grannies who aspired to reach out to those in need to their community. This group of grannies began knitting and sewing blankets with a personalised designed label. On each of the parcels delivered to the residents of the Kalafong Hospital which is zoned for the Centurion residents. The parcel is individually packed with items such as a blanket, baby-grow, knitted beanie and socks, and a toiletry item which are distributed to the mothers in the maternity ward. Currently, up to 190 parcels are handed out per visit, to the approximately 90 beds in the maternity ward, including a special parcel that is distributed to each mother. Parcels are also delivered to the Kangaroo Ward specialising in the care of mothers and their premature babies. There are ...