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Galeshwe Youth Network

 West End, Northern Cape

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Galeshwe Youth Network


Community Development


24 Tyson St, West End, Kimberley, 8301, South Africa

We help Out of school unemployed youth and community at large by providing opportunities of employment, skills and ED.

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More about Galeshwe Youth Network

The role of the Galeshewe Youth Centre is more critical to fast track the development of young people. The Information, jobs and skills development Centre’s main focus will be to empower unemployed young people out of school who have completed matric and a looking for opportunities for further studies or skills programmes that can better prepare them to be employable. The center has through an extensive needs analysis process, prioritized four important areas of focus i.e. Employment acceleration, Education & Skills training, Business & NPO support and Computer & Internet access for the ever growing number of unemployed youth. The Centre also partnered with the Community College to assist young people over the age of 21 years who dropped out of school and failed to complete Grade 12 to assist them to complete their schooling. The main aim is to create the pilot phase that can be duplicated and implemented across the region and the entire Northern Cape where basic services can be ...

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