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The Arts

 South Africa

Help promote this campaign

The Arts

This campaign ends on 01 Apr 2019

About this campaign

The arts are so important for many reasons - they are an integral part of the human experience. So, how could we not help but promote those out there? In this campaign, find opportunities related to the singers, dancers, painters and everything and everyone creative in-between that make our country colourful!

To inspire you to get out there and help our creatives, we asked our Causes which songs they can't stop singing and dancing to at their organisations - and with that, we created a playlist just for you!

Click here to download our NGO playlist (Apple Music  |  SpotifySong List)

Click here to download our team's playlist (Apple MusicSpotify)

You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have."

- Maya Angelou


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