This campaign ends on 31 Oct 2021
About this campaign
The Matie Community Service (MGD) is a non-profit organisation established in 1964, housed within the Social Impact Division of Stellenbosch University (SU), South Africa. The mandate of MGD is to support, enhance and enable volunteer opportunities to staff and students at SU. Most importantly, we are committed to the University's vision 2040, positioning ourselves for the future and developing students into 21st century citizens and realizing their full potential.
"We are excited about the possibilities of being relevant to the critical issues and challenges facing South African societies and communities. Our work seeks to inspire students to be conscious actors in the world. It is about starting a new thought movement, fuelling new ways of responding to where we are as a nation and as a continent and re-igniting our imagination of what South Africa could be."
In our communities, students are exposed to real-life challenges and can apply their academic curricula into real-life solutions. We are dedicated to forming meaningful partnerships with relevant partners such as businesses, NGOs, schools, and other community-based organisations. Thanks to MGD’s partnership with Forgood, students at Stellenbosch University will now do exactly that through an experiential learning component.
You have a chance to make social impact through connecting to opportunities in Stellenbosch University's 7 themes under the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The SDG is an outline of critical areas the world needs to focus on to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all its inhabitants. To ensure that no one is left behind in the wealth of humankind, it is important, globally, to achieve improvement in all these areas by the year 2030.
*If you volunteer to a social media follow, like or subscribe opportunity - please make sure that you inform the concerned Cause once you have completed the activity. You can send a message by clicking on the "Connect" button under the Cause's profile.*
For more information, you can liaise with Mrs. Michelle Pietersen at MGD at mpieters@sun.ac.za.