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159 results

Help Foundation for Children with Hearing Loss in SA raise R20,000 for for the Gift of Hearing for a deaf child in need
 Queenswood, Gauteng

Help Foundation for Children with Hearing Loss in SA raise R20,000 for for the Gift of Hearing for a deaf child in need.

Help Baby Hope House raise R10,000 for solar panels to keep the lights on for the babies
 Sarnia, KwaZulu-Natal

Help Baby Hope House raise R10,000 for solar panels to keep the lights on for the babies.

Help Tholakele Centre of Hope raise R100,000 for School clothing and school needs for orphaned children
 Withok Estates, Gauteng

Help Tholakele Centre of Hope raise R100,000 for School clothing and school needs for orphaned children.

Help Support Your School Foundation raise R80,000 for Early Education in Tembisa Township

Help Support Your School Foundation raise R80,000 for Early Education in Tembisa Township.

Help CEEP PAINTING PROJECT raise R5,000 for Art supplies for painting project
 Rosebank, Gauteng

Help CEEP PAINTING PROJECT raise R5,000 for Art supplies for painting project.

Help Growing Champions NPO raise R4,800 for our Lent fundraiser!
 Randburg, Gauteng

Help Growing Champions NPO raise R4,800 for our Lent fundraiser!

Help 7th Heaven Children's Haven NPC raise R5,000 for a 5000lt water tank
 Jeffreys Bay, Eastern Cape

Help 7th Heaven Children's Haven NPC raise R5,000 for a 5000lt water tank.

Help Cape Mental Health - CMH raise R150,000 for children with intellectual disabilities/education

Help Cape Mental Health - CMH raise R150,000 for children with intellectual disabilities/education.

Help Maretlagadi Welfare Centre raise R80,000 for building a garage for our recently donated vehicle
 Ngwanamatlang Village, Limpopo

Help Maretlagadi Welfare Centre raise R80,000 for building a garage for our recently donated vehicle.

Help Uviwe Child & Youth Services raise R2,500 for Toilet paper and paper towels
 Port Elizabeth, Eastern Cape

Help Uviwe Child & Youth Services raise R2,500 for Toilet paper and paper towels.

Help EDUCATION OF HOPE AFRICA raise R50,000 for supporting our HIV awareness programmes .

Help EDUCATION OF HOPE AFRICA raise R50,000 for supporting our HIV awareness programmes .

Help The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) raise R20,000 for cancer patient care and support services

Help The Cancer Association of South Africa (CANSA) raise R20,000 for cancer patient care and support services.

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