Training and Resources in Early Education (TREE-ECD)

Education & Research
South Africa
We help the most marginalised underserved communities by providing ECD trainings and early interventions. .
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More about Training and Resources in Early Education (TREE-ECD)
Training and Resources in Early Education is a non-profit organisation established in 1984 with a vision to become a globally recognized institution and a thought leader in the advancement of universal and early childhood development in Africa and across the World. TREE is amongst the leading ECD training service providers, providing an accredited NQF Level 4 in ECD and other short enrichment ECD courses. TREE currently works in KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape and Limpopo provinces of South Africa, we have also recently expanded to the province of Gauteng, North West and Mpumalanga. Working in marginalised underserved communities that are predominantly rural, characterised by poor socio-economic indicators such as low revenue base, poor infrastructure and limited access to services. TREE promotes and supports holistic and sustainable ECD programmes for children through community toy libraries, structured playgroups, home visiting programmes, nutrition and other services. Support us by ...