We help assist beneficiaries & other charities with their needs by contributing financially or donate our time and skills..
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More about Supapele NPC
Who are Supapele? In short, we are a group of what we would call, philanthropist mercenaries, and as our name suggests we believe in helping others to #MoveForward📷 Our aim? To assist other charities to reach their goals by getting our team and supporters to either contribute financially or donate their time and skills. How did we come about? Our concept was born when a group of friends wanted to help make a difference, but couldn’t decide where to start. We tried our hand at a couple of projects and finally thought, why just pick ONE? This idea seemed to work well with our supporters who could then also pick and choose which projects they felt closest to and how they wanted to contribute. How does it work? Every couple of months, we meet and decide how we will spend our time and resources for the next quarter. The options include working with the homeless, focusing on children and education, assisting disadvantaged females, spending time at animal shelters… ...