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Back to school Patient Stories

This patient 10 year old Andre Daniels has Crouzon syndrome

This patient 10 year old Andre Daniels has Crouzon syndrome, also known as Craniofacial dysostosis. This is a genetic syndrome in which the seam of the skill fuse abnormally. This influences the shape of the head and face. It is the most common type of syndromic craniosynostosis. Gene mutations recare responsible for abnormal skull fusions. He received a frontal orbital advancement operation during Smile Week November 2023 and he is doing so well after a successful operation. THE PATIENT and HIS FAMILY ON HIS JOURNEY This journey for the families has not been easy and Mom talks freely about the trauma her child has been through and how sad she feels when he is teased and made fun of at school and has struggled with the constant being made to feel he is different, he looks funny and his eyes does not look right. Although he has been through so many challenges relocating from Wellington to Elsies River after the parents got divorced, he is a happy child and is very fond of his siblings, they are a close knit family and always protect each other and as Mom she has always kept her children together to support each other. His Father was present for the operation and although he doesn’t see the children as often, he stays in touch to make enquiries. Moving was difficult and finding new school and friends , but they have settled down. LOOKING AHEAD When the new school year started it was a great start for Andre as he felt new , he looked new and there has been a change that he could feel happy about the future. Andre and his family are hopeful and they know things and the outlook for them as a family is just so much better and he is able to look ahead and know that there is so much positivity ahead for him. There is a much better attitude at the school and the teachers have made a difference and irradicated all the bullying and snide remarks passed at him. He continues to strive to do his best and he also keeps on being positive due to the support that he is given from his immediate family and the extended family. His Mom gets emotional when she thanks about the Smile Foundation and how there is no words to thank them for what has been done for them as a family, this life changing experience has impacted them forever and they are so grateful for the kindness and generosity shown to them as a family.

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