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Workplace opportunities for students

MNCP provides workplace opportunities for students.

WORK INTEGRATED LEARNING FOR STUDENTS: As a third year Public Relations Student, I looked forward to finding an organisation where I could complete my six months of Work Integrated Learning (WIL). I imagined sending my CV off to a couple of organisations and getting a positive response in no time, because of the fact that I wasn’t expecting to get paid. But I was in for a big surprise!!! First of all, some places wouldn’t even accept my CV to begin with. I went from sending my CV to Government departments and even to organisations I wasn’t too keen to work for. All the negativity really killed my spirit. Finally I sent my CV to Mama Ntombi’s Community Projects (MNCP) and spoke to Sandra Pillay, MNCP’s Programme Manager and Fundraiser. She accepted my CV and said I could start work as soon as I was ready, which for me was immediately. I was so excited!! I had worked with Sandra before, as a volunteer first year Public Relations student. We worked with the children in the different communities most of the time. Being accepted into the organisation as a student to complete my work integrated learning, opened my eyes to a different side of MNCP. MNCP is known for its wonderful work in the communities of Ezinketheni, Jika Joe and Rawat Circle in Northdale, working with neglected and disadvantaged children. Now the same organisation is helping me complete my Diploma. Who would’ve thought!? For MNCP it’s not just about the children, it’s also about the volunteers, the students and the donors; everyone is equally important. And it’s just amazing how much work there is to be done in the office during the week as Sandra and Solomon are the only two full-time staff members. There is never a dull moment, and everything is treated with a sense of urgency. I’m really enjoying it here, and I’m learning new things every day. I appreciate the mentorship and training I am receiving from Sandra. Submitted by Nokwazi Molefe, DUT Riverside Campus, Pietermaritzburg.

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