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No more abuse

A man who had been abusive towards his girlfriend has completely changed his ways as a result if the Father A Nation programme

S has been considering murdering his girlfriend due to suspicion of unfaithfulness. He suffers from alcohol abuse and anger due to his upbringing as he witnessed his father abusing his mother when there were problems at home. As a result, he was jailed for more than 2 years on a previous assault on the same woman and at the stage of asking for help from the #NoExcuse team there was a protection order against him. He was heavily impacted by the six-pack training administered by our mentors and this has caused him to face his brokenness and seek healing for his childhood wounds and improve his anger management skills. Several months after he initially reached out he informed us that his relationship with his girlfriend has improved to such an extent that she has voluntarily cancelled the protection order as she is seeing a remarkable improvement in his behaviour and attitude.

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