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Parent's Feedback

We asked some of the parents to indicate if we are making a difference in their child's life. Received very positive feedback as per letter of Elbeth.

Good day Christo Pelzer I just want to give thanks and some feedback regarding Tiaan’s development since 2017/11/20 when you gave him an opportunity to join Differently Abled Cricket Club. Tiaan likes all kinds of sports. The last few years he developed a vivid imagination and started playing cricket matches in his mind. This was troublesome for us as parents, because we felt we let him down, as he does not have a club where he fits in. People can be surprised when they found out that Tiaan has a disability, because he is in good physical shape, only when he talks people discover that his speech did not develop as expected. When he tried other sports, the people exclude him easily because he will look at them as if he does not understand what they want from him. If they do not make the time and effort to ensure that he understands what is required of him, he will just stand still. This is very different at DACC, because everyone is different, but they have mutual respect for each other, and make time to ensure everyone knows how to give their best. It was difficult to find a club that will accept him for who he is, and not according to any sport performances. Most clubs are only interested in past records, as an asset to them. Where Christo, you gave him a chance to develop, and we are very grateful for this opportunity. Tiaan avoids interaction with people that “expect” something from him, but he completely trusts you, and we are amazed as to how he has developed in one season. He allowed the coach and team members to push his personal barriers and boundaries. At home where he is very comfortable, he would just withdraw if he did not want to do something that is challenging, but at the club he will continue to try until he gets it right. He did not want to play cricket with a hard ball, because he always said he will get hurt, but now this is no longer an issue. Other skills that he developed, was his midline crossing; hand-eye coordination; following instructions and to respond to it. Socially he now interact with all age groups with confidence. Routine kept him safe and comfortable, but with changes training sessions, due to rain or unforeseen circumstances, helped him to develop skills where he can control his emotions, and express his disappointments in words, instead off a meltdown. We are forever grateful for DACC giving this special boy a change to show that we are all differently abled. Thank you Elbeth

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